Special Education Indicators  

Local School System Results for Special Education
Maryland: Indicator 2 

Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school.

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Narrative Description of Indicator

In accordance with the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 13A.08.01.07, Maryland defines a dropout rate as the percentage of students dropping out of school in grades 9 through 12 in a single year. The number and percentage of students who leave school for any reason, except death, before graduation or completion of a Maryland-approved educational program and who are not known to enroll in another school or state-approved program during the current school year. The year is defined as July through June and includes students dropping out over the summer and students dropping out of evening high school and other alternative programs. The dropout rate is computed by dividing the number of dropouts by the total number of students in grades 9 - 12 served by the school. Students who re-enter school during the same school year in which they dropped out of school are not counted as dropouts. The same measure is used for all students, including students with IEPs.

The dropout rate is computed by dividing the number of dropouts by the total number of students in grades 9 through 12 served by schools. Students who re-enter school during the same year in which they dropped out. Maryland uses this measurement for all students.

Maryland set a new baseline and targets for Indicator #2 in FFY 2021, consistent with the APR reporting requirements and,like all targets in the State's APR, these targets were set with feedback from stakeholders from across Maryland.