Special Education Indicators  

Local School System Results for Special Education
Maryland: Indicator 2 

Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school.

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Narrative Description of Indicator

The dropout rate for indicator 2 is calculated by dividing the number of youth with IEPs (ages 14-21) who exited special education due to dropping out by the number of all youth with IEPs who exited special education (ages 14-21) in a given school year. The denominator includes youth with IEPs who graduated with a regular high school diploma, received a certificate, reached maximum age, or dropped out and the year is defined as July through June and includes students dropping out over the summer, from evening high school, and other alternative programs.. 
Using the MSDE 2021-2022 school year dropout rate data, the MSDE, DEI/SES reports an annual dropout rate of 17.61%, (1,303/7,401 x 100).