Early Intervention Services Indicators  

Local Infants and Toddlers Program Results for Early Intervention Services
Maryland: Indicator 5 

Percent of infants and toddlers birth to 1 with IFSPs compared to national data.

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Narrative Description of Indicator

Based on data provided by OSEP on www.ideadata.org, the 24 LITPs provided early intervention services to 1.44% of the Maryland resident birth to one-year-old population. The percentage of children birth to one year of age receiving early intervention services in Maryland increased from 1.31% in FFY 2021 to 1.44% in FFY 2022.
Thirteen of the 24 LITPs met the State target of 1.59% for the percentage of birth to one-year-old children receiving early intervention services. Efforts were made throughout the State to increase public awareness of the program, especially among primary health care providers, in an attempt to increase the number of referrals from both parents and providers. If the State target was not met, LITPs were required to develop and implement improvement plan strategies and, as necessary, received technical assistance from MSDE (note: 2020 resident population data were used for LEA determinations because 2021 data had not yet been released at the time of analysis).