Early Intervention Services Indicators  

Local Infants and Toddlers Program Results for Early Intervention Services
Maryland: Indicator 7 

Percent of eligible infants and toddlers with IFSPs for whom an evaluation and assessment and an initial IFSP meeting were conducted within Part C’s 45-day timeline.

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Narrative Description of Indicator

To report the target data for this indicator, MSDE generated State and local reports throughout the reporting period from the statewide Part C database. The reports are based on the calculation of the number of days between the date of referral and the date of the initial IFSP meeting for each child referred in a selected period. The number/percent of meetings held within the timelines and the reasons why IFSPs were not held within timelines are provided. For this calculation, the referral date is considered Day #1 and an untimely IFSP meeting would be any meeting held on Day #46 or later.
When the date of an untimely IFSP meeting (46 days or later from the referral date) is entered into the database, a prompt appears requesting that the reason for the late meeting be entered. Summary and individual child record data generated by the 45-day timeline is validated by State and LITP staff.
Maryland experienced a decrease in compliance, moving from 96.93% in FFY 2021 (11,050/11,400) to 89.91% in FFY 2022 (6,929/11,188) in the percentage of eligible infants and toddlers for whom an evaluation, assessment, and initial IFSP were completed within 45 days of the referral. Ten of the 24 LITPs met the State target of 100% for this indicator.  
LITPs that did not attain 100% compliance were required to develop and implement improvement plan strategies and, as necessary, received technical assistance from MSDE.