Early Intervention Services Indicators Choose indicator for Local/Public Agency Compare Local/PA for this indicator

Local Infants and Toddlers Program Results for Early Intervention Services
Cecil: Indicator 1 

Percent of infants and toddlers with Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) who receive the early intervention services on their IFSPs in a timely manner.

Place the mouse cursor over a data point below to view percent value or scroll down to see a table of results.


State Baseline:86%------------------
State Target:-100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%
State Results:-96%99.0%95.8%96.7%97.3%96.7%97.7%96.9%97.88%98.28%98.37%97.24%97.86%98.07%98.35%99.05%98.49%96.70%
State Total# of Children:-8680868066689001834693259952104481039510867107071071610932113719709127411498715668
State Indicator Measurement:-8335833563898701811890189727101231017510680105321042010698111519549126201476015151
Cecil Results:-99.20%100.00%
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
Cecil Total# of Children:-130111130147151153146164175184153129214199162185259252
Cecil Indicator Measurement:-129111128145151153145164175182153127209199162185259252

Narrative Description of Indicator

To report the percent of infants, toddlers, and preschool-age children with IFSPs who received early intervention services on their IFSPs in a timely manner between 7/1/22 and 6/30/23, MSDE generated a report from the statewide Part C database comparing the IFSP meeting date and the actual service initiation date for all services on initial IFSPs and any service added during the time period with the State’s criteria for timely service delivery: not later than 30 days from the date of parent’s signature on the IFSP. The target data reported for this indicator includes data for all 24 LITPs. The MSDE and LITPs verified family-related reasons or IFSP team decision-making for the legitimate initiation of services outside the 30-day timeline and the report was modified based on the results of the State and local reviews and the LITP validation. The State’s total number of children includes children on the Extended IFSP Option from 7/1/22 to 6/30/23.
The MSDE continued to monitor the implementation of the timely service requirement through the data system. MSDE required that all LITPs implement an improvement plan with strategies to achieve 100% compliance when 100% compliance was not achieved. MSDE required all LITPs to collect and validate the service initiation date for all IFSP services and the reasons why any service was not delivered in a timely manner, and to monitor compliance with the requirement on an ongoing basis. 
In FFY 2022, 96.70% of infants and toddlers with IFSPs received the early intervention services on their IFSPs in a timely manner, but the State did not meet its target of 100%. Eleven of 24 LITPs achieved the State target. Twelve LITPs achieved compliance greater than 90%, but did not achieve the State target.  

2021-2022 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2020-2021 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2019-2020 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2018-2019 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2017-2018 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2016-2017 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2015-2016 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2014-2015 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2013-2014 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2012-2013 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2011-2012 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2010-2011 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2009-2010 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2008-2009 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2007-2008 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2006-2007 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1
2005-2006 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 1