Local Infants and Toddlers Program Results for Early Intervention Services Cecil: Indicator 3
Percent of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who demonstrate improvement.
Narrative Description of Indicator
To report the percent of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who demonstrated improvement for FFY 2022, MSDE generated a report from the statewide Part C database comparing the status-at-entry and status-at-exit data on infants and toddlers who exited the program at or before age 3 between 7/1/22 and 6/30/23 and who participated in the MITP for at least 6 months, as well as data on preschool-age children who exited the program after age 3 between 7/1/22 and 6/30/23 and who received services through an Extended IFSP for at least 3 months. Data from about 5,700 children for each of the child outcome components were computed into the 2 summary statements required by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP): Summary Statement #1 – Of those infants and toddlers who entered early intervention below age expectations in each Outcome, the percent who substantially increased their rate of growth by the time they turned 3 years of age or exited the program. Summary Statement #2 – The percent of infants and toddlers who were functioning within age expectations in each outcome by the time they turned 3 years of age or exited the program. In FFY 2011, the Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program (MITP) began to collect data using a different methodology than was used to establish Maryland’s State targets. In particular, the Strengths and Needs Summary page (Part IIIA) of the IFSP became the mechanism for collecting, measuring and reporting on the three early childhood outcomes. The Strengths and Needs Summary page now has two critical purposes: 1. To document comprehensive information about a child to support functional outcome development; and 2. To complete the COS process at entry into and at exit from the Local Infants and Toddler Program (LITP) in the three early childhood outcome areas: (1) developing positive social-emotional skills; (2) acquiring and using knowledge and skills; and (3) taking appropriate action to meet needs. In FFY 2020, the MITP reset its baseline and targets. Targets and data for FFY2022 are included below: State of Maryland Data: 7/1/22 – 6/30/23 Social Emotional Skills Acquiring & Using Knowledge & Skills Taking Appropriate Action to Meet Needs COS Birth - 3 COS Birth - K COS Birth - 3 COS Birth - K COS Birth - 3 COS Birth - K Summary Statement 1 (SS1) FFY 2022 Data 61.24% 56.48% 64.71% 62.54% 64.33% 62.12% FFY 2022 Targets 63.48% 59.96% 65.94% 62.53% 66.56% 62.166% Summary Statement 2 (SS2) FFY 2022 Data 40.56% 39.49% 38.08% 37.18% 39.16% 38.82% FFY 2022 Targets 44.58% 42.33% 41.38% 38.71% 41.40% 39.63% COS = Child Outcome Summary
COS Birth - 3
Birth - K
Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Data - Birth to Age 3
Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Data - Birth - 4
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