Early Intervention Services Indicators  

State ResultsEarly Intervention Services
Maryland: Indicator 12 

NEW 9: (Formerly Indicator 12) Percent of hearing requests that went to resolution sessions that were resolved through resolution session settlement agreements (applicable if Part B due process procedures are adopted).

Narrative Description of Indicator

No resolution sessions were held in FFY 2022.

2021-2022 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 9 (Formerly Indicator 12)
2020-2021 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 9 (Formerly Indicator 12)
2019-2020 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 9 (Formerly Indicator 12)
2018-2019 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 9 (Formerly Indicator 12)
2017-2018 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 9 (Formerly Indicator 12)
2016-2017 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 9 (Formerly Indicator 12)
2015-2016 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 9 (Formerly Indicator 12)
2014-2015 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 9 (Formerly Indicator 12)
2013-2014 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 9 (Formerly Indicator 12)
2012-2013 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 12
2011-2012 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 12
2010-2011 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 12
2009-2010 Archive: Early Intervention Services - Indicator 12