Special Education Indicators Choose indicator for Local/Public Agency 

Local School System Results for Special Education
Harford: Indicator 4 

Rates of suspensions and expulsions.

Results of Indicator 4B
Percent of districts that have: (a) a significant discrepancy, by race or ethnicity, in the rate of suspensions and expulsions of greater than 10 days in a school year for children with IEPs; and (b) policies, procedures or practices that contribute to the significant discrepancy and do not comply with requirements relating to the development and implementation of IEPs, the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports, and procedural safeguards.

Narrative Description of Indicator

This indicator consists of two parts, 4A and 4B.  

  • 4A - Percent of districts identified by the State as having a significant discrepancy in the rates of suspensions and expulsions of children with disabilities for greater than 10 days in a school year.
  • 4B - Percent of districts identified by the State as having a significant discrepancy in the rates of suspensions and expulsions of greater than 10 days in a school year of children with disabilities by race and ethnicity and policies, procedures or practices that contribute to the significant discrepancy and do not comply with requirements relating to the development and implementation of IEPs, the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports, and procedural safeguards. 
State discipline data, including State's analysis of State's Discipline data collected under IDEA Section 618, is used to calculate this indicator.
The MSDE, DEI/SES's definition of a significant discrepancy is having a Rate Ratio of 2.0 or greater when comparing the rate of suspension of students with disabilities for greater than ten days to the rate of suspension of nondisabled students for greater than ten days. Calculation of the Rate Ratio is the local education agency's (LEA's) suspension/expulsion rate for children with disabilities divided by the local education agency suspension/expulsion rate for children without disabilities. The Rate Ratio is the ratio between two rates of outcomes. If the ratio is 2.0 or greater, the local education agency is considered to be significantly discrepant. In addition to meeting the Rate Ratio of 2.0 or above, an LEA must meet the criteria for the minimum cell size (numerator) and n-size (denominator). The minimum cell size for all LEAs is 5 students with disabilities suspended or expelled for greater than 10 school days in a school year. The minimum n-size set by the State is 20 students with disabilities in the LEA.
Other Data for this Indicator

View Indicator 4ASuspensions/expulsions of greater than 10 Days of children with disabilities compared to suspensions/expulsions of students without disabilities by Local Education Agency and Public Agency

Beginning in FFY 2017, Indicator 4A identifies local education agencies as having a significant discrepancy when the ratio comparing its suspension/expulsion rate for children with disabilities to its suspension/expulsion rate for children without disabilities is greater than 2.0, the minimum cell size of 5, and the minimum “n” size of 20.  In applying the cell and “n” size requirements the DEI/SES only included in both the numerator and the denominator, districts that met that State’s requirements. The State also reported the number of districts excluded from the calculation as a result of this requirement.

The MSDE, DEI/SES's analysis of the data demonstrated that nineteen (19) LEAs met the minimum cell size of 5 students from 2021-2022. Six (6) LEAs were excluded due to not meeting a minimum cell size of five (5). No LEAs were excluded due to not meeting an n-size of at least twenty (20). No LEAs were identified with a significant discrepancy in the rates of suspension identified in FFY 2022 using FFY 2021 (2021 - 2022) data.
  Actual Number of SWD Multiple Suspension Events Greater than 10 Days, SWD Discrepancy Ratio, Multiple Suspensions Single Suspension Events Greater than 10 Days, SWD Discrepancy Ratio, Single Suspensions
Allegany County 1120 1 0.06 0 0
Anne Arundel County 9345 25 0.41 14 0.25
Baltimore City 11306 88 0.72 37 0.39
Baltimore County 14542 239 0.59 158 0.63
Calvert County 1651 0 0 0 0
Caroline County 544 2 0.20 0 0
Carroll County 3066 12 0.55 0 0.00
Cecil County 2364 6 0.07 16 0.48
Charles County 2873 24 0.29 1 0.04
Dorchester County 428 6 0.05 1 0.18
Frederick County 5079 11 0.29 1 0.38
Garrett County 313 0 N/A 0 0
Harford County 5173 49 0.25 18 0.23
Howard County 5891 14 0.33 3 0.84
Juvenile Services Education Program (JSEP)     0.00   0.00
Kent County 260 5 0.25 0 0
MD School for the Blind     0.00   0
MD School for the Deaf     0.00   0
Montgomery County 19971 24 0.89 27 0.27
Prince George's County 13938 149 0.37 94 0.22
Queen Anne's County 811 3 0.22 1 1.12
Saint Mary's County 1850 7 0.06 0 0
Somerset County 407 18 0.44 0 0.00
Talbot County 498 3 0.22 2 0.17
SEED 58 0 N/A 9 0.50
Washington County 2464 13 0.39 4 0.15
Wicomico County 1504 9 0.10 3 1.67
Worcester County 726 0 N/A 0 0
STATE 106182 708 0.36 389 0.34

View Indicator 4B - Percent of districts that have: (a) a significantdiscrepancy, by race or ethnicity, in the rate of suspensions and expulsions of greater than 10 days in a school year for children with IEPs; and (b) policies, procedures or practices that contribute to the significant discrepancy and do not comply with requirements relating to the development and implementation of IEPs, the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports, and procedural safeguards

The Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Early Intervention/Special Education Services (DEI/SES) utilized a Rate Ratio to compare the rates of suspensions and expulsions of greater than 10 days in a school year for children with IEPs in each LEA compared to the rates for nondisabled children in the same LEA . If the Rate Ratio is 2.0 or greater, the LEA is considered to be significantly discrepant. In addition to meeting the Rate Ratio of 2.0 or above, the local school systems must meet the criteria for the minimum cell and n-size. The minimum cell size for all LEAs is five (5) students with disabilities from at least one (1) race/ethnic group suspended or expelled for greater than ten (10) school days in a school year. The minimum n-size for all LEAs is twenty (20) students with disabilities from at least one race/ethnicity group in that LEA. Fifteen (15) LEAs met the minimum cell size of at least five (5) students with disabilities from a particular race/ethnic group suspended or expelled for greater than ten (10) school days in a school year. No LEAs were excluded due to n-size.
Indicator  Black 2022   Hispanic 2022   Multirace 2022   White 2022 
  RR Cell Size RR Cell Size RR Cell Size RR Cell Size
State 1.955255 776 1.38155 58 2.195427 52 2.37171499 138
Allegany County 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Anne Arundel County 2.102662 31 2.322542 5 0 1 0 2
Baltimore County 3.233422 272 2.094019 15 3.162556 20 3.79725225 55
Calvert County 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Caroline County 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
Carroll County 0 0 0 1 0 0 3.76802133 11
Cecil County 0.968767 6 0 0 0 3 0.89562768 12
Charles County 1.424724 18 0 0 0 2 0 4
Dorchester County 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 1
Frederick County 1.701066 5 0 2 0 2 0 3
Garrett County 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Harford County 0.958647 33 0 2 1.177019 6 1.80024179 19
Howard County 2.086439 13 0 0 0 1 0 2
Kent County 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2
Montgomery County 2.047651 28 2.066813 16 0 3 0 3
Prince George's County 2.05721 203 0.792347 10 0 3 7.3812825 7
Queen Annes County 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1
St Marys County 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 1
Somerset County 1.987565 14 0 0 0 1 0 3
Talbot County 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4
Washington County 2.836458 11 0 1 0 2 0 2
Wicomico County 0.996628 10 0 0 0 0 0 2
Worcester County 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Baltimore City 2.578062 112 0 3 0 1 0 3
SEED 2.583621 9 0 0 0 0 0 0

2021-2022 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2020-2021 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2019-2020 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2018-2019 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2017-2018 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2016-2017 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2015-2016 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2014-2015 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2013-2014 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2012-2013 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2011-2012 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2010-2011 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2009-2010 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2008-2009 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2007-2008 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2006-2007 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4
2005-2006 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 4