Special Education Indicators Choose indicator for Local/Public Agency 

Local School System Results for Special Education
Harford: Indicator 6 

Percent of children aged 3 through 5 with IEPs attending a:
A. Regular early childhood program and receiving the majority of special education and related services in the regular early childhood program; and
B. Separate special education class, separate school or residential facility.

Narrative Description of Indicator

Indicator 6 is a results indicator that reflects the performance of preschoolers with IEPs ages 3 through 5 in the least restrictive environment:

  • 6A: Regular early childhood program and receiving the majority of special education and related services in the regular early childhood program;
  • 6B: Separate special education class, separate school or residential facility; and
  • 6C: Home.

As required by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), the State reset the baseline for FFY 2020.
The analysis of the data by the MSDE, DEI/SES demonstrates: 
During the 2022-2023 school year, 59.86% of preschoolers with IEPs received the majority of their services in a regular early childhood program.
During the 2022-2023 school year,  22.30% of preschoolers received the majority of their services in a separate special education class or separate school or residential facility. 
During the 2022-2023 school year, 0.29% of preschoolers received the majority of their services in the home. 
The MSDE, DEI/SES staff continues to emphasize increasing natural and inclusive learning opportunities for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities as a State priority for local education agencies and public agencies. 

Compare Local School Systems for Indicator 6A, 6B, and 6C

2021-2022 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2020-2021 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2019-2020 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2018-2019 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2017-2018 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2016-2017 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2015-2016 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2014-2015 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2013-2014 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2012-2013 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2011-2012 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2010-2011 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2009-2010 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2008-2009 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2007-2008 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2006-2007 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6
2005-2006 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 6