Special Education Indicators  

State ResultsSpecial Education
Maryland: Indicator 18 

NEW 15: (Formerly Indicator 18) Percent of hearing requests that went to resolution sessions that were resolved through resolution session settlement agreements.

Place the mouse cursor over a data point below to view percent value or scroll down to see a table of results.


State Baseline:-------------------
State Target:-64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%64 - 75%
State Results:--72.00%
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
Target Met
State Total # of meetings:--94841111121058774715988659653465282
State Total # of settlements:--61677872745643433246385331132428


Narrative Description of Indicator

Indicator 15:  Resolution Sessions 
This results indicator reports on the percent of hearing requests that went to resolution sessions that were resolved through resolution session settlement agreements. 
The data for 2022-2022 demonstrate the actual performance at 34.15%, reflecting a decrease from 46.15% in the prior year. The State did not meet its target. The MSDE, DEI/SES continues to be responsive to the issues and concerns raised by parents of students with disabilities and provides ongoing support through its Statewide Family Support Providers.

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2021-2022 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 15 (Formerly Indicator 18)
2020-2021 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 15 (Formerly Indicator 18)
2019-2020 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 15 (Formerly Indicator 18)
2018-2019 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 15 (Formerly Indicator 18)
2017-2018 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 15 (Formerly Indicator 18)
2016-2017 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 15 (Formerly Indicator 18)
2015-2016 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 15 (Formerly Indicator 18)
2014-2015 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 15 (Formerly Indicator 18)
2013-2014 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 15 (Formerly Indicator 18)
2012-2013 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 18
2011-2012 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 18
2010-2011 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 18
2009-2010 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 18
2008-2009 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 18
2007-2008 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 18
2006-2007 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 18