Special Education Indicators Choose indicator for Local/Public Agency Compare Local/PA for this indicator

Local School System Results for Special Education
Baltimore City: Indicator 11 

Percent of children who were evaluated within 60 days of receiving parental consent for initial evaluation or; if the State establishes a timeframe within which the evaluation must be conducted, within that timeframe.

Place the mouse cursor over a data point below to view percent value or scroll down to see a table of results.


State Baseline:-77.00%-----------------
State Target:100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.0%100.0%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%
State Results:--82.93%89.43%92.12%95.00%97.71%97.79%97.37%98.44%98.14%97.94%98.00%98.60%98.64%98.51%97.46%96.96%95.92%
Baltimore City Results:--85.33%89.49%95.29%96.46%97.18%97.65%94.85%96.04%94.10%93.71%94.03%96.76%96.60%96.67%93.26%93.58%83.12%

Narrative Description of Indicator

Indicator 11:  Child Find

In accordance with the OSEP Part B Measurement Table, a State may factor out the §300.301(d) exceptions and State timeline exceptions from both the numerator and denominator. Federal and State timeline exceptions include:

  • Parent repeatedly failed or refused to make the child available [§300.301(d)(1)]
  • Student enrolled after the 60-calendar day time frame has started and prior to determination by the previous public agency. Receiving LEA made sufficient progress to complete evaluation, and to a specific time to complete the evaluation (All conditions must be met.) parent and LEA agreed [300.301(d)(2) and (e)]; and
  • Parent requests a delay and the timeline is extended by mutual written agreement [COMAR 13A.05.01.04A(4)]
  • Inclement weather - Acceptable Reason
Other Data for this Indicator
The MSDE, DSE/EIS identified 986 students with "unacceptable reasons for delays", an increase of 329 students from FFY 2021 (FFY 2021 = 657 students). The unacceptable reasons for delays included: paperwork error, inconclusive testing results, the student was not available (not parent failure/child refusal), staffing issues; and due to other reasons. An analysis of these data identified the following range of days for all unacceptable reasons: 
  • 475 (1 day to 15 days) = 48.19% 
  • 329 (16 to 45 days) = 33.32% 
  • 182 (beyond 45 days) =18.49%

2021-2022 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2020-2021 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2019-2020 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2018-2019 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2017-2018 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2016-2017 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2015-2016 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2014-2015 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2013-2014 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2012-2013 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2011-2012 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2010-2011 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2009-2010 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2008-2009 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2007-2008 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11
2006-2007 Archive: Special Education - Indicator 11