
As required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) develops State Performance Plans (SPPs) and Annual Performance Reports (APRs) for Maryland's early intervention and special education systems, consistent with 34 CFR sections 300.60 and 303.700. The plans serve as a blueprint for improvement for
services to
children with disabilities and their families in the state.
The SPP for the Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program (Part C) includes 11 compliance and performance indicators for early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. The SPP for the State's special education program (Part B) includes 17 indicators for special education services for children with disabilities ages 3-21 years. Baseline data for most indicators were collected in 2004-2005,
and State targets were established based on the requirements in IDEA.
This website displays the State and local results for the indicators in the SPP. Annually, the most current data will be reported, along with updated narratives in the APR for comparison to the previous year's results. Narratives for the previous year will be archived at the bottom of each indicator as a PDF file. Data for new indicators will be added to the website as it is collected and reported. In addition, the complete 2022-2023 Part B or Part C APR can be accessed by clicking the document download links in the SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS AND LINKS to the right.
Please click on Early Intervention Services (0-3) or Special Education (3-21) on the Maryland map to view State and local results.
This work was developed and produced by the MSDE, Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University/Center for Technology in Education. The Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Program grant #R372A06011 is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, National Institute of Education Sciences. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Education or any other federal agency and should not be regarded as such. The Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services received funding from the U.S. Department of Education, National Institute of Education Sciences.